Again I would have the same question, do we need moral policing/ legislation to be better people.
Pornography was always there, perhaps internet made it more readily available, but the same internet also have other useful information. So why there is increasing cases of pornography and why not increasing examples of enteprenuership, or technical innovations or use of solar energy for lighting cities, towns.
I feel its the moral fabric of the society for and our very own education system which has got us to this juncture. Its us who have to choose, we have to make choices, Mr. Modi is not going to make choices for us, he may give us options but ultimately it would be the people.
On 9 Aug 2014 01:36, "Ankit Khetan" <> wrote:
Whether twitter familiarity is due to twitter supporting porn full fledgedly?
And can we ask Narendra Modi to stop supporting twitter and show a greater respect for woman?
Ankit Khetan
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