Tuesday, July 29, 2014



The misgovernence,lack of direction,wrong economic policies,the shameful sight of its members falling at the feet of a one time Italian bar-maid in the name of a decadent dynasty all made me a staunch supporter of Modi.But the main threat posed to our country now is not from the sporadic communal flare ups but the undue influence of Hindi linguistic fanatics who do not recognise there are equally old languages in the country and men who turn our forests and wildlife as expendable commodities.In all the cow belt states,three language formula has been given a go by.Many Hindi protogonists even now are not aware that there are four different languages in south,the people from these states being described as Madrassis.They do not want English.As far as environment and wildlife are concerned,we have a central minister who proclims himself as a environmentalist and goes on demolishing every edifice that protects our envirinment.Recent case is that of Indian Wildlife Board which is now stuffed with all Government employees.And this is the board that protects our sanctuaries from mining and ither vested interest lobbies.


Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:55:09 +0100
From: devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net
CC: cdr.gandhi@gmail.com

Is Modi's silence more sacrosanct and meaningful than say Dr Manmohan Singh's. People look towards the PM for guidance and leadership. Alright one can not expect the PM to issue statement after every act of rape has been committed but is Modi providing any leadership in the matter of communal riots in which his party seems to be prominent participant.??  Devinder.
From: S L Rao <raosl@hotmail.com>
To: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>
Cc: "cdr.gandhi@gmail.com" <cdr.gandhi@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 7:14 AM

The Prime Minister of as large a country as India, with innumerable problems, and a government to run, cannot be an office boy who repondso every issue that arises. I expect he will talk to the country when he is ready. All political parties, especially those not accustomed to exercising power, have extremists and loud mouths like the ones mentioed by Mr Chopra. I am sure that a Prime Minister has better things to do than responding to each one of these madmen.
The party should have dealt with these people. It speaks of the low weight of Rajnath Singh and even Amit shah that they have not.

Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:13:38 +0530
From: ddchop47@gmail.com
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net
CC: cdr.gandhi@gmail.com

No Sire,
i tend not to agree, in whatever is and has been said on the subject.
WE as a nation, after independence, have become Impotent.
IF anyone disagrees -- can he/she say why such criminals
are not given the severest punishment ?

dev chopra in gurgaon

On 27 July 2014 18:40, Madhukar Thote <mythote@gmail.com> wrote:
why rapes are on the increase? Because there is no immediate severe punishment for the rapists.  Court Punishment takes years. Unless there is fear of the immediate strong action, the crimes in our country will be on the rise. Our laws are perhaps weak.
M.Y. Thote  

On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 10:19 AM, <cdr.gandhi@gmail.com> wrote:
While I do not doubt the administrative skills and honest intensions to do good for the society. his silence on some of the serious incidents in the recent past have done him no good. He should have made clear and unequivocal statements on matters like 1. death of a muslim boy in Pune in the matter of face book entry about Shivsena Chief and Shivaji 2.behaviour of shiv sena MPs in Maharashtra sadan 3. statement of BJP leader from Telangana about Sania Mirza 4 Praveen Togadia,s statements  etc. Unless he condemns them openly and catagorically his image will suffer seriously. In fact losing all 3 by elections in Uttarakhand should send him a message....H C Gandhi 

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Venkatraman Ns <nsvenkatchennai@gmail.com> wrote:
India Against Corruption
                                                                                                                               SOME INDIANS BEHAVE LIKE BEASTS
It is extremely disgusting to read repeatedly the nauseating news that even girls as young as three years are being abused by men, sometimes as old as sixty years. It turns one's stomach to hear news that  men  teachers molest the girl students even inside the school premises and fathers and brothers rape daughters and sisters. One wonders as to what is happening to the men folk in India, who are nothing but beasts.
Such condition is a direct reflection on the quality of governance that we have in India today and the type of people who sit as ministers , parliamentarians and legislators. What these beasts among men need are severe and life long punishment, which is the responsibility of the government to inflict on them.  But, some ministers laugh away at such incidents and condemn the media who expose these incidents and thus show that these politicians and ministers could themselves be the beasts, as they  treat these incidents light heartedly.
While  the politicians and the  ministers stand condemned , one person who comes to the mind of everyone immediately is the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi.  What is he doing ? Why is he remaining silent ? Why is he not condemning these incidents in the strongest terms and ask the officials and  police to put down such incidents with all the force at their command. He is the Prime Minister and he has the duty and responsibility to protect the helpless girls and women.
By his silence , millions of people who voted for B JP government only based on expectations and faith  in Mr. Narendra Modi feel  helpless  and frustrated. One hopes Mr. Modi will wake up to his responsibility.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived

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