Sunday, June 30, 2013
[IAC#RG] सूचना के अधिकार के बारे में समाजवादी पार्टी का दोहरा चरित्र उजागर :सूचना के अधिकार का पत्र लौटाया
:सूचना के अधिकार का पत्र लौटाया
यूँ तो समाजवादी पार्टी राजनैतिक दलों को सूचना के अधिकार के दायरे में
लाने के केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के फैसले का स्वागत कर रही है किन्तु यही
समाजवादी पार्टी स्वयं को सूचना के अधिकार के दायरे में लाने के प्रति
बास्तव में कतई भी गंभीर नहीं है l
समाजवादी पार्टी की कथनी की सत्यता जांचने के लिए मैंने दिनांक 13-06-13
को समाजवादी पार्टी के लखनऊ कार्यालय से सूचना मांगी थी lजन सूचना
अधिकारी - समाजवादी पार्टी ,19,विक्रमादित्य मार्ग,लखनऊ,उत्तर प्रदेश,पिन
कोड -226001 को पंजीकृत पत्र संख्या A RU 301995749IN दिनांक 14-06-13
के माध्यम से प्रेषित पत्र डाक विभाग की अभ्युक्ति "कार्यालय में इस
पदनाम का कोई नहीं है अतः बापस " के साथ मुझे बापस मिल गया है l इससे
स्पस्ट है कि समाजवादी पार्टी कहने को तो राजनैतिक दलों को सूचना के
अधिकार के दायरे में लाने के केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के फैसले का स्वागत कर
रही है किन्तु यही समाजवादी पार्टी स्वयं को सूचना के अधिकार के दायरे
में लाने को तैयार नहीं है l इस प्रकार समाजवादी पार्टी का रवैया "पर
उपदेश कुशल बहुतेरे" की कहावत को चरितार्थ करता है l
मेरे अनुसार समाजवादी पार्टी भी अन्य राष्ट्रीय दलों यथा कॉंग्रेस,भारतीय
जनता पार्टी आदि से कतई भिन्न नहीं है और इस प्रकरण में ये सभी दल "चोर
चोर मौसेरे भाई" की कहावत को चरितार्थ कर रहे हैं l राजनैतिक पार्टी की
कार्यप्रणाली में पारदर्शिता लाने के लिए "चेक एंड बैलेंस सिस्टम" होना
आवश्यक है l राजनैतिक पार्टियाँ वैसे तो मात्र जनता के भले लिए काम
करने का दिखाबा करती हैं किन्तु उनके इस प्रकार के पारदर्शिता-विरोधी
कृत्य उनकी कथनी और करनी के अंतर को स्पस्ट कर देते हैं l यदि ये
पार्टियाँ जनता के ही लिए कार्य करती हैं तो उसी जनता से अपनी
कार्यप्रणाली को छुपाने का भला क्या मतलब हो सकता है l सामान्य रूप से
यह माना जाता है कि सत्तानशीन राजनैतिक दल सत्ता की शक्ति का प्रयोग कर
अवैध रूप से धन कमाकर उसे पार्टी फंड में स्वैच्छिक दान के रूप में जमा
दिखाकर सत्ता का दुरुपयोग करते हैं l राजनैतिक दलों का पारदर्शिता-विरोधी
रवैया इस अवधारणा की पुष्टि करता है l
पत्र और बापस प्राप्त लिफाफे की 3 स्कैन्ड कॉपी भी मेल के साथ अटैच्ड है l
उर्वशी शर्मा
सामाजिक कार्यकत्री
मोबाइल – 9369613513,8081898081,9455553838
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Re: [IAC#RG] Press release for Public hearings
Secretary "DERC"
(Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission)
Date: 28-June-2013
It is indeed a matter of great concern that the DERC is not prepared to grant a hearing, for a statutory process, to a hitherto peaceful apolitical people's movement like "India Against Corruption" (IAC) which is conducting itself in a civilised and decent manner before the Commission.
As the National Convenor of the IAC I would hence like to be immediately informed of the specific reasons why IAC is being repeatedly denied a hearing despite applying (on 22.May.2013) in response to a Public Notice published on the DERC's website and my sending several reminders for the same. This unexplained attitude betrays a great disrespect for IAC on the part of the Commission.
It may be recalled that the IAC had brought a case of blatant public disrespect of the Hon'ble Commission to DERC's notice after it was published on the official website of the Aam Aadmi Party, a registered political party.
Any honest Commission would have initiated suo-moto action against the contemnor on receipt of such a complaint, the DERC did not.
It was on the basis of such unchecked public disrespect for the Hon'ble Commission that the Aam Aadmi Party (in collusion with a certain Discom - the TPDDL) could amass vast sums of money by taking representations (against donations mainly in cash of minimum Rs 250 each) from about 1 million electricity thieves in Delhi to reduce their electricity bills and/or to get themselves regularised.
The DERC granted a special hearing for political parties like Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to consider these irregular representations to regularise electricity thieves in TPDDL's distribution area and get the prescribed fines, penalties and demands waived off.
It is reliably learned from AAP's internal sources that one of the DERC's 2 members facilitated this hearing on instructions of Mr Sandeep Dikshit Congress MP whose Parliamentary constituency falls under BYPL. Curiously no such opportunity was granted for BSES's consumers to get their bills and penalties waived off.
It is curious that these representations which the DERC has forwarded to the Discoms to consider were home delivered to the residence of Mr. Sandeep Dikshit's mother instead of being lodged officially with the "holding company".
It is well known that Mr Arvind Kejriwal, National Convenor Aam Aadmi Party, is an ex-employee of Tatas and is running a public campaign against BSES DISCOMs because BYPL is cracking down on electricity thieves in Mr. Sandeep Dikshit's constituency and Mr. Dikshit openly wants TPDDL there instead.
It is curious that TPDDL took no action against Mr. Arvind Kejriwal for climbing electricity poles OUTSIDE the consumer premises in TPDDL's area and reconnecting (from the pole) their consumers who were either not paying their bills or were stealing power.
It is curious that Mr. Arvind Kejriwal did not get the same degree of cooperation from the BSES DISCOMs and could only "reconnect" the line INSIDE the consumer premises and AFTER the electricity consumption meters in the BSES distribution zones.
It is curious that of the "1 million" representations received from AAP, the bulk of those seeking not to pay their bills are from BSES consumers whereas those seeking to get penalties waived are from TPDDL areas. This is a clear example of a proxy political party being used for anti-competiton in a monopoly market created by the Dikshit family which also has the luxury of appointing its own sectoral regulators.
It is curious that DERC has taken no action against Mr. Arvind Kejriwal for openly stealing and also abetting stealing / UAE within Delhi despite the stringent provisions of the Electricity Act.
It is curious that M/s TPDDL, in their letter dt. 08.03.2013 addressed to Mr. K.M Verma (Jt Dir Law-DERC), said the IAC's complaint bringing the public disrespect of the Chairman DERC by Aam Aadmi Party was "premature". Accordingly IAC applied in response to the DERC's public notice for a statutory hearing which was not granted, whereas a special hearing was held for Aam Aadmi Party and BJP on 03.June.2013.
If it is the case that DERC only grants hearing to political parties like the BJP and Aam Aadmi Party which adopt undemocratic methods against the Hon'ble Commission, then please also take clear notice hereby that "India Against Corruption" people's movement is "2nd to none" when it comes to application of similar methods at a time and place of IAC's convenience.
I await your response.
with best wishes
Er. Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
India Against Corruption
On 6/5/13, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
> To:
> Secretary DERC
> Sir
> 05-June-2013
> I refer to my appended email. I had not received any notice of hearing
> in response to my request to participate in the truing up / tariff
> exercise mentioned in the public notice.
> I would be obliged if the hearing schedule/time is communicated to me
> by return email.
> With best wishes.
> Er. Sarbajit Roy
> National Convenor
> India Against Corruption
> B-59 Defence Colony
> New Delhi 110024
> Tel : 09311448069
> On 5/22/13, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>> To:
>> Secretary DERC
>> Sir
>> 22-May-2013
>> I refer to the undated Press Release on DERC's website
>> concerning.participation in public hearings for Tariff determination
>> of all DISCOMS and also the pending true up petitions.
>> Kindly note that further to various correspondences in the past year
>> on these issues with the Hon'ble DERC, the India Against Corruption
>> would most definitely like to be heard in person in the interest of
>> the long term health and financial viability of the electricity sector
>> in Delhi.
>> Accordingly, we would appreciate if hearing notice is issued to the
>> undersigned on behalf of the IAC so I can circulate it to my
>> membership well in advance.
>> With best wishes.
>> Er. Sarbajit Roy
>> National Convenor
>> India Against Corruption
>> B-59 Defence Colony
>> New Delhi 110024
>> Tel : 09311448069
[IAC#RG] Frivolous "time pass" discussions on mailing lists
This was one of many issues discussed at IAC's conference for its "operations side" members which took place last week. About 600 persons participated.
The postings made by various persons over the IAC's email lists over the last 9 months were discussed in considerable detail. It was resolved that the list(s) may continue but henceforth only such messages ought to be circulated which have a tendency to promote / disseminate the core ideologies / values of India Against Corruption and/or Hindustan Republican Association's mission.
Some conclusions from the meeting may be disclosed in due course.
Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE: publication by India Against Corruption
In case of Pancholi,whom will you believe? an unsigned note without name and a confession extracted by police or his ex-girl friend of more than 5 years and her mother who have strongly refuted that he is incapable of the kind of voilence
he is accused of?
And where is the abetment in this case as pawan Nair has pointed out?
2. Sarkar's views are not extremist.Family equation and men-womeen relations are changing very rapidly in India.. What is being advocated today as progressive were considered extremist before 50 years .3. What is wrong in asking gender neutral laws as S. Roy has pointed out?4. India is not an Island of peace,prosperity and progressive ideas surrounded by Islamic ideology in the west and east.5. Surprisingly there has been very little interaction on this topic.RegdsJKGaury
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:51:40 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE: publication by India Against Corruption
Dear Vidyut
1) Lets confine ourselves to real issues.
- a) The Indian media is NOT free.
- b) Censorship is both overt and covert.
- c) You have faced censorship and threats (as have I).
- d) We remember your blogposts on Sailgate, and also "MoneyLife journalists getting threats" which got taken down / trimmed
- I recall your support for Aseem Trivedi (who is, in my opinion, a pathetic cartoonist who well deserved to be censored / jailed).
So for IAC "Freedom of Speech and Expression" is a core issue. IAC wants it, IAC will fight for it, IAC will (to the availability of its resources and operational priorities) defend this principle / right.
2) The information dissemination platforms IAC is putting in place are not identified with IAC.
3) Items / articles which are published by IAC are "cleaned up" to remove much of the bias / slant. Although we defend the right to have ALL sides of an issue published / circulated, IAC reserves the right to ULTIMATELY determine the balance / tone (we prefer though that the news contributors do so on their own).
It would be highly counter-productive if IAC platforms are perceived as biased / slanted / propagandist etc.
4) Ordinary people can, and do, have "extra-ordinary" views which deserve to get better known. That is what Democracy (and a Republic) requires to flourish.
5) IAC does not defend or support any other organisation or THEIR policies.
6) The trick is to find balance and consensus. We did that internally for IAC's submissions to Justice Verma Committee where your views (and also SIFFs) got incorporated. Balance is achieved when either "both sides are happy, or both sides are equally unhappy".
7) If anyone leaves the battlefield, it concedes a walkover to their opponents. IAC needs participation from all sides, rival persons, rival organisations, rival religions, everyone is welcome at IAC IFF the goal is common and the decencies are maintained.
8) EQUALLY, other organisations need IAC. Its a "win-win" for all concerned.
9) Oftentimes, people / organisations are FORCED to adopt extremist / absurd positions because they are not heard.
10) Lets not jump our fences before seeing the entire picture. Lets see if experts like you and me can get scalable, resilient, credible info-channels in place even if the SIFFs of this reality eventually use it more than you or I do.
SarbajitOn Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Vidyut Kale <> wrote:
SIFF likes to focus on the idea that both men and women are abused without looking at the corresponding fact that in the abuse of both men and women, men are majority of the abusers. Women are NOT "equally" abusers as SIFF likes to present.SIFF likes to present a false association between high rates of suicide between married men and abuse, when in fact, there is no proven corelation. For example, self-employed men are a far larger percentage of suicides than married men.Some more from this article itself are that abatement to suicide is punishable only in India. This is bullshit. Provoking suicide is punishable almost worldwide - particularly when accompanied (which Pancholi himself has confessed to). Forget laws and such - let us talk of two high profile cases. The first the nurse to Kate Middleton who got pranked b the Australiam radio hosts and committed suicide. This is UK. The second is Dharun Ravi convicted for provoking the suicide of Clementi. This is US. Naming these, because with Indian connections, they may be easier to remember.SIFF promotes several lies.I find SIFF to be an extremely misogynist organization doing little for the rights of men and more of objection to any protection of women. For example, SIFF does zero about male on male abuse. Either sexual or otherwise. Within family or without.In this latest episode, the idea that women threaten men as some kind of controlling gimmick is an extreme generalization. People prone to suicide are known to speak about it aloud. For example, in this case they are objecting to, Pancholi has confessed to assault on Jiah Khan. They were in a long term relationship and he was hardly unaware of previous attempt to suicide. What is the responsibility of a partner of a suicidal person? Is it the sole responsibility of the mother as SIFF appears to present? How is physical assault ignored so blatantly?
SIFF has been known to fake information, claims and work to oppose protection of women rather than protecting men as it superficially claims.Finally, Jiah Khan did not merely threaten Pancholi with suicide, she accused him of assault - something he confesses to. She accuses him of ditching her after promises of marriage - something Pancholi's mom herself has implied to media. Lastly, a threat isn't a form of manipulation if the action warned about actually happens. Jiah Khan is dead.And so on. There are several articles debunking this crap. The basic method is to look at the exception and call it the norm. It is almost like saying Sikhs are evil because a few must have attacked the others in 1984, while wholly ignoring the massacre itself.
This is not to say that there isn't misuse of laws or that women don't misuse rights or that men don't suffer. However, it is not logical or helpful to put blanket blame on women as being malicious by default. For example, this letter itself speaks of threats of suicide by women to helpless men - in the title itself, while going on to treat a man's suicide as genuine harassment - a view that is held against the credibility women, while it is cops who did not file the case - unknown gender, usually male. Particularly since our population ratio, crime statistics are completely opposite of this claim. The idea that dead, injured, and violated women are unimportant gets promoted when you have an organization that questions the credibility of most crime stats without ANY factual basis whatsoever.
I forget the link. This mythical helpline of theirs gets 98% calls related with men being abused, which how an article by this bunch claims 98% men are abused. I suppose if 98% people walking into a jeweller's shop buy jewellery, it is safe to say all Indians buy lakhs worth jewellery each, daily. Manufactured stats at its finest.
I object to this nonsense and highly misogynist propaganda given a platform and credibility on IAC. Either this crap is rejected, or I exit. Non negotiable. My presence holds a certain credibility on human rights related views. I refuse to grant it to a platform that openly promotes an organization working against women.
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:Dear IAC participants,
Swaup Sarkar's email to me, below, encapsulates the problem, ordinary people or groups with extra-ordinary views have in being heard in a controlled information society.
An information society where editorial content is openly negotiated for advertising revenue (Zee TV and Naveen Jindal), or where semi-literate persons wielding power arbitrarily (Wikipedia refusing to acknowledge P Kalyanasundaram simply because his "truth" and Jimbo Wales's don't mesh).
When somebody approached me about 10 days back because he was harassed by a particularly abusive blogger (whose father incidentally is our valued contributor on spirituality and misgovernance) and a paid chamcha for Baba Ramdev, I advised the individual to use "open source cloud technology" to correct the information imbalance. Clouding works: for eg. Do a google search for "Baba Ramdev Coward" or "Sanjeev Sabhlok ass" to confirm that these links are #1 (or at least top 5) on Google.
So members can shortly start sending IAC their UNIQUE Press Releases and articles on politics, politicians, corruption, governance, events etc. with the IAC GUARANTEE that IAC will publish it if it meets IAC's standards (which we will inform members shortly).
PS: Save India Family Foundation's Press Release has been uploaded (after cleaning it up), but our sites are not operational (as yet) for public view.
Post: ""
Exit: ""
Quit: ""
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
RE: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE: publication by India Against Corruption
In case of Pancholi,whom will you believe? an unsigned note without name and a confession extracted by police or his ex-girl friend of more than 5 years and her mother who have strongly refuted that he is incapable of the kind of voilence
he is accused of?
And where is the abetment in this case as pawan Nair has pointed out?
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE: publication by India Against Corruption
Dear Vidyut
1) Lets confine ourselves to real issues.
- a) The Indian media is NOT free.
- b) Censorship is both overt and covert.
- c) You have faced censorship and threats (as have I).
- d) We remember your blogposts on Sailgate, and also "MoneyLife journalists getting threats" which got taken down / trimmed
- I recall your support for Aseem Trivedi (who is, in my opinion, a pathetic cartoonist who well deserved to be censored / jailed).
2) The information dissemination platforms IAC is putting in place are not identified with IAC.
3) Items / articles which are published by IAC are "cleaned up" to remove much of the bias / slant. Although we defend the right to have ALL sides of an issue published / circulated, IAC reserves the right to ULTIMATELY determine the balance / tone (we prefer though that the news contributors do so on their own).
It would be highly counter-productive if IAC platforms are perceived as biased / slanted / propagandist etc.
4) Ordinary people can, and do, have "extra-ordinary" views which deserve to get better known. That is what Democracy (and a Republic) requires to flourish.
5) IAC does not defend or support any other organisation or THEIR policies.
6) The trick is to find balance and consensus. We did that internally for IAC's submissions to Justice Verma Committee where your views (and also SIFFs) got incorporated. Balance is achieved when either "both sides are happy, or both sides are equally unhappy".
7) If anyone leaves the battlefield, it concedes a walkover to their opponents. IAC needs participation from all sides, rival persons, rival organisations, rival religions, everyone is welcome at IAC IFF the goal is common and the decencies are maintained.
8) EQUALLY, other organisations need IAC. Its a "win-win" for all concerned.
9) Oftentimes, people / organisations are FORCED to adopt extremist / absurd positions because they are not heard.
10) Lets not jump our fences before seeing the entire picture. Lets see if experts like you and me can get scalable, resilient, credible info-channels in place even if the SIFFs of this reality eventually use it more than you or I do.
SIFF likes to focus on the idea that both men and women are abused without looking at the corresponding fact that in the abuse of both men and women, men are majority of the abusers. Women are NOT "equally" abusers as SIFF likes to present.SIFF likes to present a false association between high rates of suicide between married men and abuse, when in fact, there is no proven corelation. For example, self-employed men are a far larger percentage of suicides than married men.Some more from this article itself are that abatement to suicide is punishable only in India. This is bullshit. Provoking suicide is punishable almost worldwide - particularly when accompanied (which Pancholi himself has confessed to). Forget laws and such - let us talk of two high profile cases. The first the nurse to Kate Middleton who got pranked b the Australiam radio hosts and committed suicide. This is UK. The second is Dharun Ravi convicted for provoking the suicide of Clementi. This is US. Naming these, because with Indian connections, they may be easier to remember.SIFF promotes several lies.I find SIFF to be an extremely misogynist organization doing little for the rights of men and more of objection to any protection of women. For example, SIFF does zero about male on male abuse. Either sexual or otherwise. Within family or without.In this latest episode, the idea that women threaten men as some kind of controlling gimmick is an extreme generalization. People prone to suicide are known to speak about it aloud. For example, in this case they are objecting to, Pancholi has confessed to assault on Jiah Khan. They were in a long term relationship and he was hardly unaware of previous attempt to suicide. What is the responsibility of a partner of a suicidal person? Is it the sole responsibility of the mother as SIFF appears to present? How is physical assault ignored so blatantly?SIFF has been known to fake information, claims and work to oppose protection of women rather than protecting men as it superficially claims.Finally, Jiah Khan did not merely threaten Pancholi with suicide, she accused him of assault - something he confesses to. She accuses him of ditching her after promises of marriage - something Pancholi's mom herself has implied to media. Lastly, a threat isn't a form of manipulation if the action warned about actually happens. Jiah Khan is dead.And so on. There are several articles debunking this crap. The basic method is to look at the exception and call it the norm. It is almost like saying Sikhs are evil because a few must have attacked the others in 1984, while wholly ignoring the massacre itself.This is not to say that there isn't misuse of laws or that women don't misuse rights or that men don't suffer. However, it is not logical or helpful to put blanket blame on women as being malicious by default. For example, this letter itself speaks of threats of suicide by women to helpless men - in the title itself, while going on to treat a man's suicide as genuine harassment - a view that is held against the credibility women, while it is cops who did not file the case - unknown gender, usually male. Particularly since our population ratio, crime statistics are completely opposite of this claim. The idea that dead, injured, and violated women are unimportant gets promoted when you have an organization that questions the credibility of most crime stats without ANY factual basis whatsoever.I forget the link. This mythical helpline of theirs gets 98% calls related with men being abused, which how an article by this bunch claims 98% men are abused. I suppose if 98% people walking into a jeweller's shop buy jewellery, it is safe to say all Indians buy lakhs worth jewellery each, daily. Manufactured stats at its finest.I object to this nonsense and highly misogynist propaganda given a platform and credibility on IAC. Either this crap is rejected, or I exit. Non negotiable. My presence holds a certain credibility on human rights related views. I refuse to grant it to a platform that openly promotes an organization working against women.
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:Dear IAC participants,
Swaup Sarkar's email to me, below, encapsulates the problem, ordinary people or groups with extra-ordinary views have in being heard in a controlled information society.
An information society where editorial content is openly negotiated for advertising revenue (Zee TV and Naveen Jindal), or where semi-literate persons wielding power arbitrarily (Wikipedia refusing to acknowledge P Kalyanasundaram simply because his "truth" and Jimbo Wales's don't mesh).
When somebody approached me about 10 days back because he was harassed by a particularly abusive blogger (whose father incidentally is our valued contributor on spirituality and misgovernance) and a paid chamcha for Baba Ramdev, I advised the individual to use "open source cloud technology" to correct the information imbalance. Clouding works: for eg. Do a google search for "Baba Ramdev Coward" or "Sanjeev Sabhlok ass" to confirm that these links are #1 (or at least top 5) on Google.
So members can shortly start sending IAC their UNIQUE Press Releases and articles on politics, politicians, corruption, governance, events etc. with the IAC GUARANTEE that IAC will publish it if it meets IAC's standards (which we will inform members shortly).
PS: Save India Family Foundation's Press Release has been uploaded (after cleaning it up), but our sites are not operational (as yet) for public view.
Post: "" Exit: "" Quit: "" Help: WWW :
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Re: [IAC#RG] Request for suo-moto Information under RTI Act
Shri Dhiraj Srivastava
PS to CP and Central Public Information Officer
National Advisory Council,
2, Motilal Nehru Place,
New Delhi
Dear Mr Shrivastava
Many thanks for your reply.
1) I had requested for the information to be provided suo-moto under the Life or Liberty proviso to section 7(1) of RTI Act 2005 , whereas the CIC decision you have relied on is "per incuram" referring to some Life and Liberty matter,
2) For your information, Mr. Vidya Charan Shukla has passed away in the meantime.It is really shocking that such a venerable UPA leader was compelled at age 83 years to attend a meeting without adequate security in a Naxal dominated region on the motivated advice of the NAC member, who subsequently resigned.
3) It is really shocking that the NAC has been infested with so many Maoists and Naxalites for so many years since 2006.
4) It is really shocking that ever since the NAC was formed the number of LWE controlled districts in India has gone up from 53 to 287.
5) It is really shocking that another former NAC member Mr. Harsh Mander was sheltering the wife of a known LWE leader for over 2 years, and had to resign over this issue when it came out.
In the circumstances it would be eminently fit if the NAC declares ON ITS OWN the qualifications and procedures for appointment of its members, including its Chairperson, so that the nation knows how why so many innocent lives INCLUDING OF PARA-MILITARY & SECURITY FORCES are being lost on a daily basis through leakage of confidential government information by secret and unexplained placement of private LWE persons in councils like the NAC, Planning Commission etc. which advise the Prime Minister of India.
For your information, a double Bench of the Central Information Commission in my own case by order dt. 01.06.2009 in CIC/LS/C/2009/00322 has reiterated that section 4 disclosure is to be provided immediately, free of cost and without any request being made for it.
computerized for easy accessibility through the network all over the country, as mandated in section 4 (1) (a) of the Act. The computerization, dissemination and updating of record is an ongoing and continuous process and all Public Authorities should put a proper system in place to make such sharing of records an automatic, routine and continuous process, so that access to such records is facilitated.
(ii) The Public Authorities are required to take immediate steps to publish detailed, complete and unambiguous information under the 16 categories, as on 31.3.2009 (if already not done or partially done) and thereafter update the information as and when necessary, but definitely every year, as mandated under section 4 (1) (b) of the
(iii) While formulating important policies or announcing the decisions affecting the public, the Public Authorities are required to publish all relevant facts about such policies
and decisions for the information of public at large, as mandated under section 4 (1) (c) of the Act.
(iv) The information disclosed by the Public Authorities under section 4 (1) (b) & (c ) of the Act is required to be disseminated through multiple means as provided under sub sections 2, 3 and 4 of Section 4 of the Act and as also suggested in Para 17.1 of the template prepared by the Tata Consultancy Service Ltd (Reference Para 14 above)/ or as per the practice adopted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the Andhra Pradesh State Information Commission (reference Para 13 above).
(v) Needless to say, the information disclosed by the Public Authorities under section 4 (1) (b) & (c) of the Act is a proactive disclosure and the Public Authorities are required to provide immediate access to this material as and when so requested, without the requirement of filing of any written request and the charging of any fee."
Er. Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
Indian Against Corruption, jan andolan
B-59 Defence Colony, 2nd floor
New Delhi 110024
Tel: 011-24334262
Subject: Application under Right to Information Act, 2005
Dear Shri Roy,
Please refer to your E Mail on the subject mentioned above. You are requested to kindly intimate the substantive evidence in support of your claim of filing application under section 7(1) related to life & liberty of the RTI Act, 2005. Otherwise the application shall be processed as per normal provisions.
An order of the CIC in this context is enclosed for your reference in this context. In addition to above, you are also requested to remit Rs.10.00 as application fee by way of Postal Order / Demand Draft / Cheque in favour of Section Officer, Prime Minister's Office, New Delhi. The application shall be processed on receipt of the desired information.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Dhiraj Srivastava)
PS to CP and Central Public Information Officer
National Advisory Council,
2, Motilal Nehru Place,
New Delhi
On 06/10/13 01:07 PM, Sarbajit Roy wrote:By EMAIL
a) Central Public Information Officer
National Advisory Council
New Delhi
b) Secretary,
National Advisory Council
New Delhi
Date: 10-June-2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: RTI request under section 4 of RTI Act 2005 to be complied immediately.
I am constrained to remind you that I have not received the suo-moto information sought by India Against Corruption's members vide my email dated 29-May-2013 (appended below).
The said email was sent under "Life or Liberty" clause of RTI Act on behalf of IAC (a strictly apolitical and secular people's movement) considering the deaths of so many persons in 25 May 2103 massacre who were "compelled" to go into areas well known to be LWE infested.
The reasons I am again requesting the information be published is summarised below:-
1) Because Ms Aruna Roy (former member NAC) is said to be a well known LWE. By way of example you may refer to the book "NGOs, Subversive Activists and Foreign Funds : the anti-nation industry 2nd edn." co-authored by her IAS batchmate Dr. Krishen Kak. Copies of the book are in the Library of Parliament. For your ready reference I am setting out a few directly relevant paragraphs therein
"'A careful look at the money trail of AID illustrates the functioning of the organisation, and throws light on other organisations that are used to funnel money collected by AID. These organisations co-ordinate their fund-raising activities and shadow their proceeds by passing through multiple accounts all controlled by like minded groups. One such organisation that has been funded by AID is called Tamil Nadu Science Forum (TNSF). TNSF works actively with DYFI. TNSF listed Balaji Sampath, who is also a founder of AID. Thus while Balaji Sampath's AID collects money in America, BALAJI SAMPATH (in his Indian incarnation!) receives money in India, ostensibly on behalf of TNSF.'I understand that TNSF 'as a policy' would always impose a pre-condition on the libraries in Tamilnadu which they were financially supporting to the effect that the concerned libraries would only support DYFI and no other student body before receiving any funds. AID is a secretive organisation which enjoys the full political support of the UPA Government in New Delhi. It was AID which extended generous financial support to Sandeep Pandey, founder of ASHA and a known Naxalite sympathizer, to undertake a political trip to Pakistan some years ago.
Those who work with AID and its allies also seem to be experts in organizing international prizes and awards to themselves as part of a civil and cultural conspiracy. One Sanjit 'Bunker' Roy was given a prize by the Aga Khan foundation for having developed rainwater harvesting structures. Later investigations by The Week clearly revealed that he had hired a professional architect called Neehar Raina to get the job done. Upon this exposure, Aga Khan Foundation changed its citation to fit in with the known facts! A secularly shameless non-communal Roy, ended up by returning his prize. Bunker Roy's wife Aruna Roy, is a Maoist and has worked closely with AID. Like many who have worked closely with AID in its undeclared mission of national subversion, she too has been awarded a prize by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation.
I can only conclude that NGO's like AID, ASHA, CAIR, FeTNA are all committed to their supreme objective of De-Hinduising the Indian State which means rendering the Hindu identity to any aspect of our national life illegitimate and irrelevant in public life and public discourse"
2) That apparently post the May 25 2013 Chattisgarh massacre, specific intelligence was available to the Govt of India concerning the involvement of private member(s) of the NAC to "De-Hindu"-ise (?) the Congress Party's leadership in the presently BJP ruled States of Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh which go to polls very shortly .
3) That it is well known to MHA that front NGOs (such as Social Work Reserch Centre, Tilonia [Rajasthan]) of Mr. Sanjit 'Bunker' Roy (who is said to be Ms. Aruna Roy's husband) regularly receive many crores of rupees under FCRA from foreign sources routed via countries such as Tibet and Sierra Leone.
4) That it is very well known to Govt. of India and the MHA that large amounts of foreign exchange are flowing in to India for conversion of animist tribals to Christianity, especially in states such as Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh, and that radical Christian "priests" are actively inciting India's tribals to take up arms against the State, ie. LWEism also known as Naxalism, Maoism etc.
5) That Ms. Aruna Roy's husband actively runs massively foreign funded programs to train so-called "barefoot" doctors and "barefoot engineers". These illiterate unqualified depressed people are systematically brain-washed as agitators / technicians who go about fomenting disaffection against the Indian State and its institutions.
6) That Ms. Aruna Roy corruptly misused her status as a private (ie. "without salary to evade application of the Prevention of Corruption Act") NAC member to ensure that Ministries of Govt of India give huge funding to her husband's NGOs for the training of "barefoot" LWEs. Ms. Aruna Roy and her husband (who are only "humanities" graduates) have systematically ensured (through their proximity to Chairperson NAC and lobbying access thereby to critical Ministries) that the "Engineers Act/Bill" to regulate the qualifications and supervisory bodies to regulate the profession of Engineering is never passed. Thereby enabling this enterprising duo to carry on their hugely profitable private business of training "barefoot engineers" aka LWEs for some foreign natrions who openly finance them. It is also an open secret that Ms. Aruna Roy and her aforesaid husband were part of the move to tamper with the autonomy of the IITs, and also caused the arrest on 28.11.2011 of many IAC volunteers for raising slogans like "Desh ke yuvak yahaan hain, Rahul Gandhi kahaan hain ?" close to NAC office that day.
7) That when the concerned Intelligence / Investigative agencies communicated their inability to investigate the May 25 Chattisgarh massacre in the face of such High Profile persons being close to Hon''ble Chairperson NAC and being in a position to impede their free and unfettered investigations, Ms. Aruna Roy got convinced to "resign" from the NAC.
8) That Ms. Aruna Roy was replaced at the NAC by another Christian tribal's agitator in a tearing hurry and without any public procedure and/or public scrutiny being available or followed (as the IAC had requested vide my email dt. 29.05.2013 which was also addressed to the Cabinet Secretary by name).
9) That IAC apprehends the said hurried appointment of Ms Aruna Roy's replacement is to continue an unfinished agenda to de-Hinduise the Congress Party leadership in specific BJP ruled states. Hence IAC's request for urgent suo-moto disclosure.
In the circumstances, we repeat our request that all available information pertaining to procedure and terms for selection of members of the NAC is put into the public domain within 48 hours on Life or Liberty basis, as IAC is seriously interested in knowing how alleged/purported LWEs came to be appointed to NAC-I and NAC-II and if this was in any way responsible for deaths of so many citizens of India (with perhaps more to come).
With best wishes
yours sincerely
Er. Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
Indian Against Corruption, jan andolan
B-59 Defence Colony, 2nd floor
New Delhi 110024
Tel: 011-24334262
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 2:08 AM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
1) Central Public Information Officer
National Advisory Council
New Delhi
2) Cabinet Secretary to Govt of India
Date: 29-May-2013
Kind Attn:
a) Mr Dhiraj Shrivastava (PS to Chairperson/NAC),
b) Mr Ajit Kumar Seth (Cabinet Secretary/GoI)
Sub: RTI request under section 4 of RTI Act 2005 to be complied immediately.
Kindly treat this as a "Life or Liberty" application
I have come to know from the below mentioned NDTV link that there are now some vacancies for post of "Member" in the National Advisory Council and which post(s) I would like to formally apply to be considered for.
I am given to understand that the published qualification for the post is "professionals with diverse experience"
which I abundantly fulfill.
I would therefore be obliged to be urgently informed the procedure and application format (if any) to be considered.
I would also like to be urgently informed about the present prescribed salary and perquisites for the post, as I know for a fact that some corrupt members of NAC-I were misusing their posts (which was then an unpaid one) to lobby for foreign interests.
With best wishes
yours sincerely
Er. Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
Indian Against Corruption, jan andolan
B-59 Defence Colony, 2nd floor
New Delhi 110024
Tel: 011-24334262
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Joshi NM <> wrote:
Sub: Re: Aruna Roy bidding goodbye to NACSocial activist Aruna Roy resigns from Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council
Social activist Aruna Roy has decided not to continue in the National Advisory Council, led by UPA chairman Sonia Gandhi, after her term expires on Friday.
Ms Roy has written a letter to Mrs Gandhi requesting that she should not be considered for another term of NAC that sets the social agenda for the government and the UPA Chairperson has accepted the request.
On her way out, Ms Roy criticised the government for not taking up recommendations of the council on minimum wages to workers under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).
Monday, June 17, 2013
Re: [IAC#RG] Online RTI facility extended to President Secretariat and MEA
Sent: Tuesday, 18 June 2013 12:00 AM
Subject: [IAC#RG] Online RTI facility extended to President Secretariat and MEA
Online RTI facility extended to President Secretariat and MEA
"However, the department has asked people not to file information related to state governments.Doesn't this seem wrong ? Why no transfer under 6(3) ?"Please do not file RTI applications through this portal for the public authorities under the state governments, including Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. If filed, the application would be returned, without refund of amount,"
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[IAC#RG] Online RTI facility extended to President Secretariat and MEA
Online RTI facility extended to President Secretariat and MEA
"However, the department has asked people not to file information related to state governments.Doesn't this seem wrong ? Why no transfer under 6(3) ?"Please do not file RTI applications through this portal for the public authorities under the state governments, including Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi. If filed, the application would be returned, without refund of amount,"
Re: [IAC#RG] Another patriot gone
Bahukutumbi Raman passed away in Chennai on Sunday evening after a prolonged fight with cancer. He was 77.Described as an asset by the Indian intelligence community, "B. Raman" was a former additional secretary with the Cabinet secretariat. He was also the director of the Institute for Topical Studies, Chennai and one of India's foremost security experts and one of the founders of India's external intelligence wing -- the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
He had also written a memoir titled "Kaoboys of Research and Analysis Wing: Down Memory Lane".
I had filed an RTI based on this book (and also another by Maloy Dhar) to the CabSec a few years back. A JointSec of Cabsec called me back and requested me not to pursue it further in National Interest. I replied that the fact of my queries were in public domain was enough.
some samples
b) Decision / policy, if any, to bifurcate IB to create R&AW on 21.Sep.1968 or thereabouts
c) Decision(s) / policy, if any, to constitute or deploy covert action units of R&AW after 1968,
d) Decision(s) / policy, if any, to constitute or deploy covert action units of Directorate-General of Security (DGS) after 1968,
e) A copy of the noting(s) by B.N.Mullick (former Director IB) constituting the "Burma Branch" presently with R&AW Archives,
f) Copy of the note issued by Indian Ambassador to Burma, and later supplied to R&AW in 1968-69, stating that Govt of India I had no objection to Chinese assistance to Burma (now Myanmar) for aerial photography of Indian territory,
g) Decision to destroy / weed out from R&AW records the transcripts of records of negotiations for settlement by Mr Rajiv Gandhi, Mr R.N. Kao and others recorded by Mr B Raman before Army was sent into Golden Temple Amritsar in June 1984, along with record(s) of factum of destruction. NB: Mr. B Raman former Addl Secy of R&AW has published that that these valuable historical records were
entrusted by him to R&AW archives around 31,August 1994 in the hope they are made available to future historians
h) Decision to destroy / weed out from R&AW records, communications from American Baptist missionaries in Burma (Kachin State) to R&AW after October 1968, along with records of factum of destruction.
i) Decision to destroy / weed out the Indian Army's minute of dissent to Joint Intelligence Committee concerning over-assessment of Naga hostiles sent to China for training in 1968-69, along with records of factum of destruction.
j) Decision to conduct an enquiry into suspicions that CIA was involved in assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi. It is pertinent that Mr B Raman former Addl Secy R&AW, has alleged the enquiry "could not prove this suspicion".
k) Decision(s) / policy not to upgrade India's "weak" (per Mr B Raman) maritime intelligence capability concerning US and naval development in Indian Ocean region.Entire document here [ ]
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[IAC#RG] Another patriot gone
Described as an asset by the Indian intelligence community, "B. Raman" was a former additional secretary with the Cabinet secretariat. He was also the director of the Institute for Topical Studies, Chennai and one of India's foremost security experts and one of the founders of India's external intelligence wing -- the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
He had also written a memoir titled "Kaoboys of Research and Analysis Wing: Down Memory Lane".
I had filed an RTI based on this book (and also another by Maloy Dhar) to the CabSec a few years back. A JointSec of Cabsec called me back and requested me not to pursue it further in National Interest. I replied that the fact of my queries were in public domain was enough.
some samples
b) Decision / policy, if any, to bifurcate IB to create R&AW on 21.Sep.1968 or thereabouts
c) Decision(s) / policy, if any, to constitute or deploy covert action units of R&AW after 1968,
d) Decision(s) / policy, if any, to constitute or deploy covert action units of Directorate-General of Security (DGS) after 1968,
e) A copy of the noting(s) by B.N.Mullick (former Director IB) constituting the "Burma Branch" presently with R&AW Archives,
f) Copy of the note issued by Indian Ambassador to Burma, and later supplied to R&AW in 1968-69, stating that Govt of India I had no objection to Chinese assistance to Burma (now Myanmar) for aerial photography of Indian territory,
g) Decision to destroy / weed out from R&AW records the transcripts of records of negotiations for settlement by Mr Rajiv Gandhi, Mr R.N. Kao and others recorded by Mr B Raman before Army was sent into Golden Temple Amritsar in June 1984, along with record(s) of factum of destruction. NB: Mr. B Raman former Addl Secy of R&AW has published that that these valuable historical records were
entrusted by him to R&AW archives around 31,August 1994 in the hope they are made available to future historians
h) Decision to destroy / weed out from R&AW records, communications from American Baptist missionaries in Burma (Kachin State) to R&AW after October 1968, along with records of factum of destruction.
i) Decision to destroy / weed out the Indian Army's minute of dissent to Joint Intelligence Committee concerning over-assessment of Naga hostiles sent to China for training in 1968-69, along with records of factum of destruction.
j) Decision to conduct an enquiry into suspicions that CIA was involved in assassination of Mrs Indira Gandhi. It is pertinent that Mr B Raman former Addl Secy R&AW, has alleged the enquiry "could not prove this suspicion".
k) Decision(s) / policy not to upgrade India's "weak" (per Mr B Raman) maritime intelligence capability concerning US and naval development in Indian Ocean region.
Entire document here [ ]
Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE: publication by India Against Corruption
I don't think there was any dissidence reflected in the piece. Nor was the release so simple.It reflected a stance which can't be viewed as objective at all. It certainly was not discussing any rocket science.As regards the three women, NDTV is yet to get to us!By the way, Wikipedia has 2 dissidents reflected now sans Nehru.
Sent from my iPad"EXTREMIST" ???
So you want only normal / bland / safe / conventional views to exist. In your cloistered world the term "dissident" ought not to exist ?
Let us all collectively forget that Galileo held extremist views. So did Martin Luther, Jai Prakash Narain and Adolf Hitler.
In the warped "controlled" world of Wikipedia Jawaharlal Nehru (?) is one of only 4 "dissidents" India had.
I suppose we should let only Arundhati Roy or Madhu Kishwar or Ranjana Kumari speak on behalf of Indian women - because these are the only faces we see jabbering away on NDTV.
SIFF's theme is simple - Gender specific laws like Domestic Violence Act and IPC 498A are being abused and should either be repealed or made gender neutral.
This is now substantially also IAC's position (arrived at after much internal debate and discussion) as IAC conveyed to the Justice Verma Committee. A copy of IAC's submission can be accessed at IAC's website.
SarbajitOn Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Anamika R <> wrote:I had similar opinion as Vidyut on the piece from Mr Sarkar. I am not getting into details of what he has put forth, as Vidyut has already done so.To even think of putting the problems women face with those of men is audacious, to say the least.We must not encourage extremist views, even if we propagate freedom of press.
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Sunday, June 16, 2013
Re: [IAC#RG] Congress last ditch effort in Rank Pay case
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists <>
Sent: Monday, 17 June 2013 11:26 AM
Subject: [IAC#RG] Congress last ditch effort in Rank Pay case
IESMs 'loha garam hain hathoda maro' but you chaps are bungling about and being misled up the garden path by political forces. Get united on this and meet all parties - especially the ruling party - in full force..
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[IAC#RG] Congress last ditch effort in Rank Pay case
IESMs 'loha garam hain hathoda maro' but you chaps are bungling about and being misled up the garden path by political forces. Get united on this and meet all parties - especially the ruling party - in full force..
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE: publication by India Against Corruption
Sent from my iPad
So you want only normal / bland / safe / conventional views to exist. In your cloistered world the term "dissident" ought not to exist ?
Let us all collectively forget that Galileo held extremist views. So did Martin Luther, Jai Prakash Narain and Adolf Hitler.
In the warped "controlled" world of Wikipedia Jawaharlal Nehru (?) is one of only 4 "dissidents" India had.
I suppose we should let only Arundhati Roy or Madhu Kishwar or Ranjana Kumari speak on behalf of Indian women - because these are the only faces we see jabbering away on NDTV.
SIFF's theme is simple - Gender specific laws like Domestic Violence Act and IPC 498A are being abused and should either be repealed or made gender neutral.
This is now substantially also IAC's position (arrived at after much internal debate and discussion) as IAC conveyed to the Justice Verma Committee. A copy of IAC's submission can be accessed at IAC's website.
SarbajitOn Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Anamika R <> wrote:I had similar opinion as Vidyut on the piece from Mr Sarkar. I am not getting into details of what he has put forth, as Vidyut has already done so.To even think of putting the problems women face with those of men is audacious, to say the least.We must not encourage extremist views, even if we propagate freedom of press.
Sent from my iPad
Re: [IAC#RG] Arvind Kejriwal, who are you fooling ?
Dear Mr. Ambasta
Lets keep this focused on Admiral Ramdas. This is NOT about the NAVY or the Services. Loyalty is good, blind loyalty is not.
Don't attack me - attack my facts.
His wife and daughter actively worked against the Indian nation (while he was in service). I suppose you know that.
His daughter Kavita, married to a Pakistani (although I am not reading anything into this by itself) was appointed as Ford Foundation representative in India. Ford Foundation was one of the major US sponsors of Team Arvind (as Digvijay Singh pointed out).
Virtually all India's top public servants send their children abroad (mainly USA) to study. This is where the corruption starts.
Admiral Ramdas was awarded the Magsaysay award (a known CIA front organisation) for the anti-national work of his family, which is involved with every anti-development activity one can think of offhand.
Ramdas is a Petitioner in virtually every Common Cause (ie. Prashant Bhushan and Kamini Jaiswal) PIL one can recall - V.K.Singh DOB, Coalgate, CAG appointment etc.
My point is very simple -
A Lokpal (Ombudsman) must be INDEPENDENT from the subject he is investigating.
Do you dispute the following simple facts (I can give 20 more) :-
1) Ramdas is a petitioner in Coalgate PIL filed through Prashant Bhushan
2) Ramdas is a petitioner in CAG PIL filed through Prashant Bhushan.
If so with what face can Ramdas be the "Lokpal" of AAP.
SarbajitOn Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Vijoy Ambasta <> wrote:
Dear Mr Sarbjit RoyI can see a malicious intention in you against Mr Kejriwal. I do not know how pure are you yourself to cast aspersion on any one and everyone or may you are in the habit of doing so. You seem to disbeleve even Adm Ramdas. BTW who do you believe, I do not know if u believe yrself.You can do great if you avoid these activities of yours. You have very good intentions in you please exploit these for the benefit of the society and the country and yourself too.I wish you good luck in your endeavours.With regardsVijoy Ambasta
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Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE: publication by India Against Corruption
The misogyny comes through when phrases like 'Are men expendable?' pop up. Nobody should be expendable. The piece requires some further pruning. However, in this particular case, I do not think abetment is appropriate. Abetment is to approve, encourage and help or support a plan of action. Did Suraj Pancholi want her to or in any way encourage her to commit suicide? Physical assault is a relatively minor offence in terms of punishment and is covered under a different Section of the IPC for which he should be punished if found guilty. If he did not get her to seek help, then he was negligent or uncaring like a lot of other men who want to get out of a relationship. Pavan NairOn Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Vidyut Kale <> wrote:
SIFF likes to focus on the idea that both men and women are abused without looking at the corresponding fact that in the abuse of both men and women, men are majority of the abusers. Women are NOT "equally" abusers as SIFF likes to present.SIFF likes to present a false association between high rates of suicide between married men and abuse, when in fact, there is no proven corelation. For example, self-employed men are a far larger percentage of suicides than married men.Some more from this article itself are that abatement to suicide is punishable only in India. This is bullshit. Provoking suicide is punishable almost worldwide - particularly when accompanied (which Pancholi himself has confessed to). Forget laws and such - let us talk of two high profile cases. The first the nurse to Kate Middleton who got pranked b the Australiam radio hosts and committed suicide. This is UK. The second is Dharun Ravi convicted for provoking the suicide of Clementi. This is US. Naming these, because with Indian connections, they may be easier to remember.SIFF promotes several lies.I find SIFF to be an extremely misogynist organization doing little for the rights of men and more of objection to any protection of women. For example, SIFF does zero about male on male abuse. Either sexual or otherwise. Within family or without.In this latest episode, the idea that women threaten men as some kind of controlling gimmick is an extreme generalization. People prone to suicide are known to speak about it aloud. For example, in this case they are objecting to, Pancholi has confessed to assault on Jiah Khan. They were in a long term relationship and he was hardly unaware of previous attempt to suicide. What is the responsibility of a partner of a suicidal person? Is it the sole responsibility of the mother as SIFF appears to present? How is physical assault ignored so blatantly?
SIFF has been known to fake information, claims and work to oppose protection of women rather than protecting men as it superficially claims.Finally, Jiah Khan did not merely threaten Pancholi with suicide, she accused him of assault - something he confesses to. She accuses him of ditching her after promises of marriage - something Pancholi's mom herself has implied to media. Lastly, a threat isn't a form of manipulation if the action warned about actually happens. Jiah Khan is dead.And so on. There are several articles debunking this crap. The basic method is to look at the exception and call it the norm. It is almost like saying Sikhs are evil because a few must have attacked the others in 1984, while wholly ignoring the massacre itself.
This is not to say that there isn't misuse of laws or that women don't misuse rights or that men don't suffer. However, it is not logical or helpful to put blanket blame on women as being malicious by default. For example, this letter itself speaks of threats of suicide by women to helpless men - in the title itself, while going on to treat a man's suicide as genuine harassment - a view that is held against the credibility women, while it is cops who did not file the case - unknown gender, usually male. Particularly since our population ratio, crime statistics are completely opposite of this claim. The idea that dead, injured, and violated women are unimportant gets promoted when you have an organization that questions the credibility of most crime stats without ANY factual basis whatsoever.
I forget the link. This mythical helpline of theirs gets 98% calls related with men being abused, which how an article by this bunch claims 98% men are abused. I suppose if 98% people walking into a jeweller's shop buy jewellery, it is safe to say all Indians buy lakhs worth jewellery each, daily. Manufactured stats at its finest.
I object to this nonsense and highly misogynist propaganda given a platform and credibility on IAC. Either this crap is rejected, or I exit. Non negotiable. My presence holds a certain credibility on human rights related views. I refuse to grant it to a platform that openly promotes an organization working against women.
VidyutOn Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Post: ""Dear IAC participants,
Swaup Sarkar's email to me, below, encapsulates the problem, ordinary people or groups with extra-ordinary views have in being heard in a controlled information society.
An information society where editorial content is openly negotiated for advertising revenue (Zee TV and Naveen Jindal), or where semi-literate persons wielding power arbitrarily (Wikipedia refusing to acknowledge P Kalyanasundaram simply because his "truth" and Jimbo Wales's don't mesh).
When somebody approached me about 10 days back because he was harassed by a particularly abusive blogger (whose father incidentally is our valued contributor on spirituality and misgovernance) and a paid chamcha for Baba Ramdev, I advised the individual to use "open source cloud technology" to correct the information imbalance. Clouding works: for eg. Do a google search for "Baba Ramdev Coward" or "Sanjeev Sabhlok ass" to confirm that these links are #1 (or at least top 5) on Google.
So members can shortly start sending IAC their UNIQUE Press Releases and articles on politics, politicians, corruption, governance, events etc. with the IAC GUARANTEE that IAC will publish it if it meets IAC's standards (which we will inform members shortly).
PS: Save India Family Foundation's Press Release has been uploaded (after cleaning it up), but our sites are not operational (as yet) for public view.
Sarbajit---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swarup Sarkar <>
Date: Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 12:19 PM
Subject: PRESS RELEASE:Just like SurajPancholi, thousands of helpless men get victimized with threats of Suicide from wives and girlfriends every year.
To: letters <>
PRESS RELEASE:Just like SurajPancholi, thousands of helpless men get victimized with threats of Suicide from wives and girlfriends every year.
Based on media reports and alleged suicide note of Jiah Khan, 22-year old SurajPancholi was arrested and sent to jail for committing the crime of abatement to suicide. We have to understand that such laws do not exist in other countries in the world. Is suicide a solution to break-ups or separation? Jiah Khan attempted suicide 8 months ago and nothing was done to ensure that she does not repeat it. It is absurd to assume that all human relations will remain everlasting in this age of modernity.Finally, women are portrayed as victims, and men as abusers.
SurajPancholi is no alone. Thousands of men across India call SIFF helplines every week. Half of them have faced threats of suicide from their wives from time to time, if they do not meet her unreasonable demands.
These men are scared. These abusive wives refuse to come to a counselor or a psychiatrist. When these young men plead to the parents of women abouttheir suicidal nature, parents do not take it seriously. These men cannot run away from home or file for divorce, fearing that this may prompt her to commit suicide. They suffer mental and physical abuse from possessive, controlling and suspicious wives. In fact, the society laughs at them as "Harassed Husbands" rather than helping the man and making arrangements for counseling of such women. Now, this phenomenon is getting extended to relationships before marriage as well. Being obsessively possessive and controlling is not a sign of love.In short, India is sitting on a ticking time bomb as the society refuses to recognize the issue of threats of suicide inside marriages or in relationships. The society just behaves as if such incidents are rare or wishes that this problem will go away on its own. Then, it recommends revenge on the man if the woman commits suicide. Home Ministry (NCRB) data says, 24% of all suicides in India are due to Family Reasons and 3.4% due to failed love affairs.Here are concerns of SIFF around this case:1. There are no checks and balances in this abetment to suicide law. SurajPancholi did not point gun at the head of Jiah Khan to force her commit suicide. Breaking-up with a girlfriend or being commitment-phobic is not a crime. As reported, Suraj did everything he could so that Jiah Khan can get some psychiatrist help, after she attempted suicide 8 months ago. One has to wonder, why Jiah's mother did not get her to a psychiatrist.2. This abetment to suicide law is very selectively applied by police. When a husband commits suicide blaming torture by wife and in-laws, the police refuse to arrest the woman and her parents. However, if a wife commits suicide, the husband and in-laws go to prison for 6 months to 2 years and are presumed guilty until proven innocent. Is the life of a man cheap? Males are the disposable gender.3. This abetment to suicide law and the social attitudes around it actually encourage suicides, by taking away the responsibility from a person to preserve his or her own life.4. Many possessive women are already abusing their husbands and boyfriends and threatening suicide, if he stands his ground and defends his dignity. Arrest of SurajPancholi will only increase such incidents rapidly. A man is completely helpless here.5. Jiah Khan attempted suicide 8 months back. It is reported that SurajPancholi was extremely concerned about her life after that incident and he called her mother to India and he even spoke to her for taking Jiah Khan to a psychiatrist. What more can a man do? He is helpless beyond a certain point, when a woman is obsessive and suicidal?6. Did Jiah Khan's mother Rabiya Amin take her to a psychiatrist or counselor, even after knowing about her attempt to commit suicide? As a mother, is not it her responsibility to ensure that her daughter handles stress and relationship troubles with help from mental health professionals?7. SurajPancholi and many men are victimized as the hatred against men or misandry in general is fueled by mass hysteria after incidents of rape. SIFF demands an end to large scale gender hate, stereotyping and the attitude to judge men harshly. If hate cannot solve communal or religious problems, then why it is assumed that blaming men and spreading hate against men will solve crimes against women?8. If a young man commits suicide and he leaves a suicide note, blaming his girlfriend for hurting him, cheating on him and abusing him, will the society show same fervor in demanding arrest of the girl involved? If not, then why men are victimized for the decision for a woman to commit suicide for break up?Threat of suicide by man is actually defined as domestic violence under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA), which is applicable to both marriages and live-in relationships. A woman can get a restraining order from a court against husband and boyfriend if they threaten suicide. However, the society and the women's organizations force Government to refuse to protect men from such forms of domestic violence. If they had, then SurajPancholi would have got a restraining order and would have legally forced Jiah Khan to get psychiatric help.It's a slap on the face of BollywoodFinally, Bollywood itself has indulged in spreading large scale hatred against men in recent times, with anti-male stereotyping without looking at issue in a more academic and meaningful manner. Many Bollywood actors are full of misandry. Now, one among them has committed suicide and a budding actor is in prison. It's a slap on Bollywood's face and its shows how disconnected Bollywood is from group realities in spite of its false claims to transform the society.Many actors like Shah Rukh Khan to Amitabh Bacchan have publicly proclaimed, "I am ashamed of being a man". Shaming all men for the crimes of a few is nothing but anti-male hate or misandry. If misogyny is not healthy for the society, then how can misandry create a better society? We hope, Bollywood actor realize that in this grave hour.In this particular case (below), a husband committed suicide blaming torture by wife and in-laws. The police did not arrest the wife and in-law even after hundreds of phone calls are made to Mumbai police by SIFF members. If the law of abetment to suicide is to save people from suicide, should not it be applied equally to both genders? Or is men's life cheaper in Indian society?SFF Demands that:1. Government must bring checks and balances to all laws related to suicide, like abetment to suicide and dowry deaths.2. Government must make domestic violence law gender neutral and protect men from wives and girlfriends, who threaten suicide every now and then.3. Suicidal women must be forced to undergo counseling and treatment.4. All laws must be made gender neutral and both genders must be treated in a fair manner.5. The society must take steps to curb misandry. It is challenging, because it is too easy to blame and stereotype all men citing incidents of rape or other crimes against women. Such misandry will vitiate gender relations.6. It must be ensured that, men's rights to liberty, dignity and basic human rights are not snatched away in the name of empowering women.According to National Crime Records Bureau, about 20,000 men and about 12, 000 women committed suicide in 2011 for "Family Reasons" alone.From Save Indian Family FoundationCall: 0-9008302822, 0-9632812802
(Crime Is Crime. Punishment should be irrespective of gender, religion and caste. Let us be honest and fight for truth)
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